They are waiting for you
They prepare for you their best dances for our weekend
Start your registration to be sure to meet them
They are waiting for you
They prepare for you their best dances for our weekend
Start your registration to be sure to meet them
Partagez cette actu
Soirée le Vendredi et le samedi with DJ BJ’Line Dances what you ask You can send her now an email with the dances that you
2 Hotels à moins de 5mn, tarifs négociés avec le code FOLD24 2 Hotels less then 5mn, prices negociated with the code FOLD24 ici toutes
N’oubliez pas de vous inscrire ! Notez les dates dans votre calendrier: 10 11 et 12 Mai 2024 à Salon de Provence ! Toute l’équipe
We are happy to present you : our 2 DJ for our weekend Pascale is the official DJ for GOLD Béa is the DJ for
Association Loi 1901
à but non lucratif
French Open Line Dance
59 Rue Jean Marini
13300 Salon De Provence
SIRET : 881 654 420 00010